Jun 25, 2007

Sushi for the Eyes

Coney Island Mermaid Parade 2007 - The best eye candy New York City has to offer. Beauties, bizarros, and everything in between. It's probably my favorite NYC event. This year, I was busy being a drunken pirate on the Otto's float, so I'm browsing Flickr to see all the amazing stuff I missed.

I love seeing how the same fabulous people keep appearing in different peoples' photosets.

, originally uploaded by surgery.

Anemone2, originally uploaded by kikibaxx.

Jun 18, 2007


This ad campaign looks alot like Circus of Enlightenment... I'm equal parts suspicious/flattered/puzzled. Chalk it up to that pesky zeitgeist?

Jun 16, 2007

For eye-feasting:

More recent posters added today, along with a revised "Logos & ID" section.